Tuesday, June 18, 2024

negative encounter by 2 Mall Security officers, after leaving Maren Made boutique! Followed & HARASSED.. Cops called, ARREST by Indianapolis PD officer! Who REFUSED to listen to my account.. Handcuffed me ROUGHLY!

I returned to Maren Made boutique, to take some pics of items, to show to my female friend. The young white lady gave me permission. I also asked her about my friends risque choice of fashion -- 5" heels & very mini-skirts, ala Khloe Kardashian. I.e., the trashy look. She laughed when I told her somebody accused my female-friend of "being a man"

I noticed a maintenance worker (in work clothes) come into the boutique. I got a strange vibe, that he was "checking me out". I basically suppressed my negative-feelings, then left the boutique

Just outside, were TWO Mall Security officers. It was obvious they were surveilling me..NOT a good feeling! I said to them

"What's the problem? Why are you shadowing me?

I walked away, went downstairs. One of the Mall Security officers (S. Reed, see pic below) followed me!

This made me feel uncomfortable, I felt slighted! After purchasing $160 worth of goods at Maren Made, I was treated like a shop-lifter! I.e. FOLLOWED OUT OF THE STORE!

Then, things began to escalate -- I asked him why he was following/harrasing me? He NEVER gave a reason. I then asked him for

Name, Employee ID #, reason for following/harassing me

He NEVER complied, I persisted in him giving the info, so I could file a FORMAL WRITTEN complaint! I asked him for his business-card..he did not comply.

After many rounds of back-and-forth, he finally mentioned that the young white-lady cashier (Maren Made boutique) felt I was acting "suspicious". The Mall Security officer wanted me to go back to Maren Made to discuss her complaint.

I refused, since I was BUSY (on my way out of the Mall), & needed to get back to work -- tomorrow was Carburetion Day (Friday) for Indy 500. I had to meet some people (Chevrolet) to talk about my project:

bringing in Nvidia into Indycar as a vendor/supplier

BIG project with potentially lucrative deal, since Nvidia recently cleared 2 TRILLION market-capitalization. See Appendix below for more details..

The Mall Security officer then DEMANDED that I leave the premises (or become a trespasser), but I pressured him to abide by professional protocol:

give me your Name, Employee ID #, reason for following/harassing me

so I can file an OFFICIAL WRITTEN complaint!

The Manager of Keystone Mall Security (Mike Brownstone) showed up, who IGNORED my request to give me his business-card (Name, Employee ID #):

 so I could file an OFFICIAL WRITTEN complaint

^^^ HOW MANY TIMES did I have to repeat this basic-request, which is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for a business??

BTW, later on the Manager gave his BUSINESS CARD to the arresting Indianapolis Police officer, saying he was ex-Cop/Retired!

^^^ OK, this is CLEAR EVIDENCE of

Favoritism/DISCRIMINATION by Keystone Mall Security

which is a KNOWN M.O (Modus Operanda) by their Security Officers & store employees! They "profile" customers (based on their "appearance") -- if they don't fit the high-end customer (lawyers, doctors, etc), then they treat you DIFFERENT:

IGNORE you, or HARASS you

See this post

Keystone Mall incident: Evidence of Racial/Class Profiling by Keystone Mall Security & store employees

where other customers at high-end Keystone Mall get

  1. Followed/Harassed by Mall Security
  2. snubbed by snobby sales people, at high-end stores

Serena S. *experienced* similar thing -- discriminatory profiling by Mall Security, who shadowed/approached her, used RUDE voice to harass her.

^^^ WOW!!

It's pretty clear that the elite high-end shops want to make SALES to uppity/wealthy clients. So, it looks as if Keystone Mall Security (in collusion with high-end shops), wants to FILTER OUT the commoners ("little people" with small budgets), in the name of Profits ("The Almighty Dollar")


It all makes SENSE now..

This is *dangerously* close to breaking Federal Law, via DEI (Diversity Equality Inclusionary):

"CANNOT discriminate in HIRING, based on Color/Gender (incl LGBTQ)"

The above employees are CLEARLY trained to *discriminate* against customers (color of skin, economic class, etc) as part of Company Policy. This implies their HIRING PRACTICES for sales people are similar, in violation of Federal Law.

There needs to be a legal inquiry, to see if DISCRIMINATION is practiced against customers at high-end shops in Keystone Mall -- the various Yelp reviews imply this!''. Also, there likely needs to be a Law, protecting customers from Discrimination/Favoritism, by store employees.. Could be a Supreme Court challenge.. As consequence of my case!


Keystone Mall Security, then called Indianapolis PD, an officer showed up. He REFUSED to listen to my complaint saying:

"I'm on a theft call to the mall, you're my 2nd stop, I will NOT listen to you!"

^^^ talk about WRONG -- he's allowing 1 incident to CLOUD his judgement on a 2nd incident -- MINE! They are 2 *separate* incidents, which need to be INDEPENDENTLY addressed

I clearly had a case of Mall Security Following/Harassing me -- he should have admonished Mall Security (possibly allowing me to file a cross-complaint against Keystone Mall Security), & just LEFT!

At this point, I REPEATED my request (to police officer):

"I need your Name, Badge #, Probable Cause for detainment

which he REFUSED!  He then asked me to "take this outside"

I said NO, let's just settle it HERE

All of a sudden, he decides to arrest me for TRESPASSING, pulls out cuffs, & roughly HANDCUFFS me!

I asked him, to realize the RIDICULOUSNESS of the situation -- I had purchased

$115 + $88 (Urban Outfitters), $50 (Fabletics), $170 (Maren Made) -- totalling $310 !!

How could I be ARRESTED for Trespassing, after having done BUSINESS with FOUR Keystone Mall vendors, over 2 days??

He would not change his mind..!!

 I told him I would SUE him personally, as well as the Indianapolis PD. Also, the Keystone Mall (owned by Simon Property Group)

The WHOLE THING started with "Discriminatory Profiling" of  myself (which is a KNOWN practice at the elite/high-end Keystone Mall), where THREE STAGES of trying to

"work things out" FAILED, due to Incompetent/Poorly-Trained employees

by Maren Made cashier, TWO Keystone Mall Security officers (AND their manager Mike Brownstone), Indianapolis PD officer

There was NO REASON for the Police to ARREST ME -- it all started with a mis-reading of myself (by Maren Made cashier)..a MISUNDERSTANDING!

The Nvidia "angle" has been worked on by me since 2022, when Nvidia attempted to buy ARM (chip designer firm in UK) for 40 BILLION. I discussed this with

GPALB (Grand Prix Assn of  Long Beach) President, Jim Michaelian"

who gave me a "invite" for the 2022 Indycar Grand Prix of Long Beach, in order to do research:

development of potential Race Technology & Business Development

to bring in wealthy Silicon Valley Tech companies (e.g premiere GPU supplier Nvidia, AMD..arch rival to Nvidia, Intel..also a player in GPU space). Jim's GPALB had lost

Toyota as Presenting Sponsor for Indycar Long Beach GP

but fortunately found Honda/Acura to replace Toyota

GPALB was bought by former Silicon Valley CEO Uniphase (Kevin Kalkhoven) & famed Canadian CART team-owner (Gerald Forsythe) of FCR (Forsythe Championship Racing), after they teamed with Paul Gentilozzi (racer of  TransAm fame), to buy bankrupt assets of CART, to form


to compete with IRL (Indy Racing League) based in Indianapolis

[ owned by Tony George, grandson of Tony Hulman, iconic owner of IMS (Indianapolis Motor Speedway) ]

GPALB is the promoter for Long Beach motor races -- Formula 1, CART, Indycar, Formula E, etc

Nvidia stock has NOW hit 3.34 TRILLION $$, going beyond the 2 TRILLION mark..set earlier this year!

Needless to say, the IDIOTIC BEHAVIOR of  Keystone Mall Security has put its owner (Simon Property Group) in a very SEVERE position of Liability!

I.e., my imprisonment for nearly 24 hrs, PREVENTED me from doing my business with Indycar at "Indy 500 Month of May", where I was to meet with

Chevrolet Director of Racing (Indycar, NASCAR, IMSA, Rally), Jim Campbell

I've had discussions with Jim, since 2013 Indycar Long Beach GP, where I was given an invite by:

Indycar Vice-President Technology, Wil Philips

Currently, NASCAR (US based racing series) & Formula 1, use

Data Analytics

as a tool for teams -- "in search for Speed". I.e., real-time telemetry sent to pits (during practice, Q'fying) are then UPLOADED en-masse to the Cloud, using high-bandwidth Web/Internet connection:

where main-frame supercomputers process the data (Data Mining), looking for patterns -- to increase performance ("speed")

Needless to say, this "Data Analytics" formula (NASCAR & Formula 1) is in the TENS of millions of $$. Something Indycar *desperately* needs, in order to remain competitive with NASCAR & recent intrusion of Formula 1 into United States:

Austin TX race, inaugural Miami race in 2022, inaugural Las Vegas race in 2023

However, the RIDICULOUS incident against me at Keystone Mall has essentially DESTROYED any idea of this happening! There is NO WAY, I could bring Nvidia engineers, many of them PoC (Person of Color):

India, Chinese, Japanese, Asian, Middle Eastern, African

to Indianapolis, in support of Indycar & Indy 500. Where they could be racially/class profiled, then subject to Following/Harassment..!

It goes back to how the Formula 1 USGP got CANCELLED, for familiar reason:


The inside word was that the City of Indianapolis was simply NOT SOPHISTICATED enough for the elite Formula 1 series. Latter attracted elite fans, sponsors -- an ELITE culture/class of clientele.

Certainly, my experience at Keystone Mall reflects this:

Indianapolis *desperately* tried to pump up the high-end Keystone Mall as an elite destination. But, it ended up ALIENATING the common people (bread-and-butter of Indianapolis), which just demonstrated that the Indianapolis Leadership was trying to FAKE their way into an elite city, like:

New York (Publishing & Entertainment capital), Chicago, Los Angeles (Entertainment capital, Film & TV), Washington DC

The fact that many customers/clients at so-called elite Keystone Mall, got Followed/Harassed by Mall Security, speaks VOLUMES!

The were, aren't & NEVER WILL be an elite city, that could host Formula 1 race. Not even take on

Brave New World of  "Data Analytics" (used by NASCAR & Formula 1)

which would introduce an elite Silicon Valley Tech world  of GPU -- Nvidia, AMD, Intel. Where Nvidia is a KEY component in the

"AI (Artificial Intelligence), the MOST DISRUPTIVE Technology in history of Mankind"

whose investment in AI is reflected in its recent 2 TRILLION stock-value (Market Capitalization), which JUST soared to 3.46 TRILLION (June 18/2024)

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