Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Potential Damages: Loss of GPU Mfr involvement in Indycar -- Nvidia, AMD, Intel, in order to compete with NASCAR & Formula 1

I have been working leveraging lucrative Silicon Valley Tech companies (since 2013)

Aerorace: Technology Initiative for Indycar

towards involvement in Indycar, specifically Nvidia

leader in GPU (Graphics Procussing Unit, parallel supercomputer on a chip)

whose investment in AI (Artificial Intelligence) has made it the MOST VALUABLE company in the world -- just surpassing Apple & Microsoft!

2 TRILLION (back in May), now 3.46 TRILLION (as of June 18)

The potential Indycar deal w/Nvidia, is easily in tens of MILLIONS, which could easily increase DRAMATICALLY. With the AI "angle" being the *catalyst*

projected Emerging Economy of 1.8 TRILLION by 2030

Already, the competition (NASCAR & Formula 1) have embraced

Data Analytics (involving use of AI)

while Indycar simply has NOT kept up with the times. ATT is the current Web/Internet provider, while Indycar is using Verizon -- simply doesn't have the BW (bandwidth) to address the Terabytes/Petabytes needed

I am the "goto guy" to get Nvidia involved with Indycar

[ my next-door neighbor growing up in Urbana/IL (home to elite U of Illinois, 2nd ranked Engineering Univ tied w/Stanford, with MIT at #1), is a powerful guy at Nvidia -- Vice-President GPU Ecosystems. We have talked about potential Nvidia projects, where he told me the next step is a PROPOSAL to/

Nvidia Vice-President Business Development

towards a DEAL. Say, with Indycar ]

Only 2 years ago, I started focusing on Nvidia -- where I have discussed it with MANY people:

Jim Michaelian (President GPALB "Grand Prix Assn of Long Beach")

as part of the broad strategy (discussed with Indycar Vice-President Technology -- Wil Philips, then Bill Pappas):

injection of Disruptive Automotive Technology -- Data Analytics, EV/Hybrid, Connected Cars, Autonomous Cars

to attract lucrative (non-endemic) Silicon Valley Tech companies. Get them involved, inject $$ into the Sport towards Indycar series development:

Performance & Safety

Traditionally, endemic (Mechanical Engineering) vendors are familiar Automotive suppliers:

engine-mfrs & developers (Ford Cosworth, Ilmore Chevrolet, Judd Honda) & gearbox suppliers (Xtrac)

 E.g. Nvidia, whose recent stock-value

topped 2 TRILLION, now 3.46 TRILLION as of June 18! (time of writing of this Blog entry)

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