Friday, June 21, 2024

Pattern of Following/Harassment by Keystone Mall Security, from Google Maps reviews!

UNBELIEVABLE, below reviews are arguably more DAMAGING than the negative reviews!!

The negative reviews seem to come from WHITE people.

Keystone Mall incident: Evidence of Racial/Class Profiling by Keystone Mall Security & store employees

The Google Maps "Keystone Mall" negative reviews have a significant % of black victims..

Racial Profiling by Keystone Mall Security!

^^^ THIS. Spot on, what happened to me. I got SURVEILLED at Maren Made store, 2 Mall Security officers outside. Then, they both Follow me downstairs, then get HARASSED. One of themm *aggressively* pushes his face at me -- I consider this near assault!

^^^ WOW!!

I need to file a cross-complaint with Indinapolis PD (against Keystone Mall Security, owned by Simon Property Group), to counter the JUNK Trespass & Unreasonable Noise counts against me

What a FARCE -- imagine this going VIRAL on Social Media!

MORE accounts of Mall Security Following/Harassing people..

^^^ THIS. Mall Security officers are engaging in Racial Profiling/Discrimination.

Victim should have confronted officer:

"STOP it, otherwise I'll call Indianapolice PD, & have you ARRESTED for Harassment"

Check this account of victim, being approached/harassed by Mall Security officer:

^^^ THIS. What happened to me, except I *defended* myself. REPEATEDLY, asking for

name, employee ID #, reason for followinig/harassment

Went back & forth, finally Mall officer called the Cops! The Indianapolis police-officer was EQUALLY arrogant, REFUSED to hear my side of the story!!

"You're my 2nd call, my 1st call is a theft. I REFUSE to listen to you!"

^^^ 2 MISTAKES -- he shouldn't let his 1st call cloud/interfere with his 2nd call (ME!). On top of this, he made the mistake of NOT listening to my side of the story. If he had, then the whole situation

"could have been handled"

He didn't, then he wrongfully ARRESTED me for Trespassing!

It should be noted that the Mall Security manager (Mike Brownstone) is an ex-cop/retired. Who IGNORED me when I requested his business-card -- in order to file Official WRITTEN complaint.

He gave the police-officer his BUSINESS-CARD, saying he was ex-police (retired)

^^^ It appears as if this is NO COINCIDENCE, I.e., a COLLUSION by

Marion County DA & Indianapolis PD with Keystone Mall (Simon Property Group)

to Follow/Harass & (if necessary) ARREST *perceived* lower-class people

This is literally a CONSPIRACY..

Other reports show that Keystone Mall is NOT doing well -- empty mall, BORED store-employees (no traffic in store):

^^^ Well, yeah..if you ALIENATE customers, they will NOT come. Plus, word travels fast -- they will tell their friends. In the end, Keystone Mall simply BACKED THEMSELVES into a corner:

NO CUSTOMERS, low-traffic, high-end stores LOSE SALES

^^^ THIS. PERSISTENT complaints about Keystone Mall security officers HARASSING customers!

SERIOUSLY, this is just Self-Destructive behavior by Simon Property Group (owner Keystone Mall)

FAIL. Expect traffic to dwindle, as they ALIENATE customers. Word travels fast, they will tell their friends & associates -- who will tell THEIR friends/associates. No traffic, no customers, NO SALES

Stores CLOSE UP, someone actually mentioned this

"Stupidity is its Own Reward"

Below is yet ANOTHER person who experience HARASSMENT by Keystone Mall Security officer:

^^^ Appears to be a white person! Like complaints:

Discrimination/Profiling as "lower-class" person (Class'ism), based on Appearance/Clothes


Keystone Mall Security officer BANNING customers, based on their CLOTHES..


They are ALIENATING a potential paying customer. Stores need SALES. Duh.

^^^ THIS. "Still a lot of closed stores"

Simon Property Group (owner of  Keystone Mall) -- what the HELL are you doing? You need OCCUPANCY, rent space to Stores. You are KILLING OFF potential customers, thus Stores can't make SALES:

Self  Desructive Behavior

Excuse me, EXACTLY what are you thinking -- engaging in this idiotic behavior??

I rest my case..

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