Thursday, June 20, 2024

Targeted Individuals, Bullying practiced at Keystone Mall (owned by Simon Property Group)

 In writing the below post:

Keystone Mall incident: Keystone Mall Security Officer (Steven Reed) thrusts his head RIGHT IN MY FACE, I felt physically *threatened* !

I ran into a website about Targeted Individuals..

What is Targeted Individual

The elitist snobby Keystone Mall *clearly* practices Discrimination/Profiling of *perceived* lower-class people (Class-ism)

Keystone Mall incident: Evidence of Racial/Class Profiling by Keystone Mall Security & store employees

in order to satisfy the high-end *exclusive* shops:

Saks 5th Avenue, Tory Burch, Gucci, Coach, Kate Spade, etc

It comes down to $$ -- "The Almighty Dollar". They want to sell their high-end PRICEY product


However, practicing Discrimination/Profiling (based on Appearance/Clothes) is *dangerously* close to violating Federal Law, e.g. DEI (Diversity Equality Inclusionary) directive. See below White House Executive Order:

Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce 

where it is ILLEGAL to discriminate for HIRING, based on skin color, race, gender, gender identity (LGBTQ), etc

^^^ THIS

Keystone Mall is exhibiting DISCRIMINATION against *perceived* lower-class people (customers)

"favoritism towards "economicallly-advantaged" customers"
-- woman who was *discriminated* against @Keystone Mall

OMG WTF! CLEARLY in violation of DEI (Diversity Equality Inclusionary) directive

The CLEAR practice of Discrimination/Profiling (based on Dress/Appearance)  against *perceived* lower-class customers, implies sales people are TRAINED towards this! Implying, these snobby sales people are also HIRED (& trained) according to Discriminatory/Profiling practice.

^^^ This could attract the attention of the Feds, with followup legal action by the Feds.


"Little sh*t is little sh*t, but sometimes little sh*t is BIG SH*T"

It appears as if the Discrimination/Profiling lurking at the "noise floor" has been SIMMERING quite a bit! Then, I show up, working on an Indy 500 Technology Partnership & Marketing Sponsorship, where the targeted non-endemic Silicon Valley Tech company is non-other than


[ Most Valuable Company in the world @3.36 TRILLION, surpassing Apple & Microsoft in last few days

It made the 2 TRILLION $$ market-capitalization milestone in April, increasing to 3.36 TRILLION by June 18..the week of my trial-date ]


This WHOLE THING sounds like a B-Movie Hollywood "flick"..but it's FREAKING Real Life dummy!!


There could be a Class Action lawsuit against

Simon Property Group, Marion County DA & Indianapolis PD

by Discrimination/Profiling victims over the decades/years!!

With the Feds "jumping in" backing up the DEI (Executive Order from The White House) with their OWN Federal Lawsuit..!!

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