Thursday, June 20, 2024

DAMAGES: my work to bring Nvidia to Indycar (with Jim Michaelian, President GPALB), 2022 Indycar Long Beach GP, FOLLOWED by Steve Fields (President of Sales, Laguna Seca Raceway) for 2022 IMSA Laguna Seca Race Research/Discovery project (Nvidia, et al)

I discussed Nvidia as a possible Presenting Sponsor "target" for GPALB (Grand Prix Assn of Long Beach), with Jim Michaelian -- GPALB President. Nvidia *attempted* purchase of famed chip-designer firm ARM (based in UK), for 40 BILLION, attracted world-wide attention

Jim agreed to give me a pass to the 2022 Indycar/IMSA Long Beach GP, for purpose of doing Discovery/Research, towards bringing in Nvidia in as a Sponsor/Partner. Here are my results:

2022 Indycar/IMSA Long Beach GP videos Research project (Nvidia, et al)

2022 Indycar/IMSA Long Beach GP photos (Blu G9 & Nikon D3500)

At the Expo (Long Beach Civic Center), there was a booth for

Laguna Seca Raceway

where I snatched up ALL the business-cards, incl

Steve Fields, President of Sales

I called Steve, about my *personal contact*

[ my former neighbor growing up in Urbana/Il, both our Dads were U of Illinois Profs -- mine Aerosapce Eng Prof/Dept Head, his Physics Prof ]

who is a powerful guy at Nvidia:

Vice-President GPU Ecosystems

I've had previous discussions with him about potential Projects/Partnerships, & he said the next step was a proposal to:

Nvidia Vice-President Business-Development 

I went to 2024 NAB (National Assn of  Broadcasters), the MAJOR industrial expo for Professional Video, in Las Vegas. Video is a KEY technology for Indycar (& Motorsports) in general. Cloud solutions are HUGE..very hot field. Nvidia is a player here, GPU cluster architectures for mainframe cloud computers:

2022 NAB (National Assn of Broadcasters) videos, Research/Discovery project (Nvidia, et al)
2022 NAB (National Assn of Broadcasters) photos, Research/Discovery project (Nvidia, et al)

I actually talked to

ATT provider, who supplies Web/Internet for NASCAR & (US based) Formula 1

Full project (photos & videos) documented here 

I left Vegas, straight to 2022 IMSA Laguna Seca race, had 1 hour meeting with Steve Fields at his office

Below are links for my Discovery/Research (Nvidia, et al)

2022 IMSA Laguna Seca race, Videos Discovery/Research project (Nvidia, et al)
2022 IMSA Laguna Seca race, Photos, Discovery/Research project (Nvidia, et al)

Fast forward to 2024, I went to 2024 Indycar Indy 500, for purpose of "wrapping up" a potential Deal (Partnership/Sponsorship) w/Nvidia (& other potential Silicon Valley companies)

2024 Indy 500, Research/Discovery project (Nvidia, et al)

Then..the UNFORTUNATE INCIDENT happened on May 23 (off-day for Indy 500 "Month of May")

"little s**t is little s**t, but sometimes little s**t is BIG S**T"

Hate to say it, the incident looks like little s**t, but on further examination it's BIG S**T!!

NO WAY, I could bring in Nvidia (& other Silicon Valley Tech companies), whose demographics incl a LOT of PoC (Persons of Color):

India, China, Taiwan, Japan, Middle East (incl Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Syria), etc

who could get targeted with Following/Harassment at Keystone Mall (signature mall in Indianapolis), with

Indianapolis PD & Marion County DA, who COLLUDGE with Keystone Mall Security

Perhaps, Roger Penske (owner Indycar & IMS) could go "political", & force Indianapolis Mayor (Joe Hogsett) to MAKE THINGS RIGHT -- Hiring/Firing process:

overhaul Marion County D.A. & Indianapolis PD

THAT would go a long way in starting the path ("moving forward") towards SUCCESS -- get rid of the "deadwood"

"He [ Coach Herb Brooks ] Tore us Down, & BUILT US BACK UP"
-- Mike Eruzione, Italian-American captain of 1980 Gold Medalist Men's Hockey team

[ Re/: winning coach Herb Brooks, hired to take "bunch of superstar Egos" -- turn them into a Championship Hockey team -- Gold Medalist 1980 Hockey team ]

^^^^ This is gonna take TIME, not an overnight operation!

Jim's Long Beach Grand Prix (presented by Toyota), lost its iconic presenting Sponsor -- Toyota. Fortunately, Jim was able to replace it with Acura/Honda

Looking into the future, Jim/I are thinking about long-term potential Sponsors/Partners for GPALB

The DISRUPTIVE Automotive Technologies is an EXCITING SECTOR:

Autonomous Cars (which uses AI. "Artificial Intelligence"..a sector targeted by Nvidia), Connected Cars ("umbrella coverage" of Web/Internet, for smart-Cities), EV/Hybrid, 

AI (Artificial Intelligence) has a heavy footprint with Automotive Tech. Nvidia's Automotive Division is invested in its advanced GPU hardware with AI software. Autonomous Car partners include:

Audi, Mercedes, Lexus/Toyota

all are major players in Automotive market, esp luxury car sector

Nvidia is an ACKNOWLEDGED leader in AI, hence its MEGA stock-value has SKYROCKETED!

2 TRILLION back in April, now 3.34 TRILLION on April 18, now 4 TRILLION in sight:


TheStreet claims 4 TRILLION $$ market-capitalization is in sight:

Nvidia has $4 trillion value in sight as AI seen powering chip sales

2 TRILLION The potential lawsuit, to recover DAMAGES from

losing Nvidia as potential *breakthrough* non-endemic vendor/supplier


4 TRILLION $$ .. Most Valuable Company in the World -- LOST!!

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