Thursday, June 20, 2024

Elitist/Discriminatory behavior by high-end Keystone Mall, -- "It's EASY to establish business-practices", legal maxim

 "It's EASY to establish business-practices"
-- legal maxim

There is a CLEAR PATTERN of Discrimination/Profiling of *perceived* NON economically-advantaged people (MDs, Lawyers, etc), who are unable to buy pricey/expensive items at exclusive designer stores @Keystone Mall:

Saks 5th Avenue, Gucci, Tory Burch, Coach, Kate Spade, etc

I can actually go farther -- Marion County D.A. & Indianapolis PD are in COLLUSION (Keystone Mall Security AND high-end store employees) -- "battering ram" to EVICT *perceived* lower-class people

OMG -- it HAPPENED to me!

At the Maren Made boutique, where a young white woman (cashier), alerted Mall Security that I was "suspicious". Funny thing, I JUST bought $170 worth of merchandise, engaged her in friendly conversation TWICE (2 visits). There was never any tension between us, it was the last (2nd) visit, where I asked her about "styling" (in regards to a female-friend, who dresses *racy* like Khloe Kardashian).

A  maintenance man comes into the store, which was pretty STRANGE! Then, as I left the store, TWO Mall Security officers were standing outside, surveilling me! This made me feel UNCOMFORTABLE, & I asked them

"What is the problem?"

then walked past them downstairs, to leave the mall. 1 of the Mall officers FOLLOWED me & started badgering me with questions:


Which started the whole Incident, see here:

Keystone Mall incident: Following/Harassment

See the *persistent* complaints (paper trail) on

Evidence of Racial/Class Profiling by Keystone Mall Security & store employees

Sample complaints below:

Timothy S.

Serena S. (has Fashion degree), was approached by Mall Security using RUDE tone of voice (to intimidate her OUT of the mall):

^^^ Like Serena S., I found some GREAT DEALS at Urban Outfitters, the sales-people there were very helpful/friendly. I actually spent $425 over 2 days, 3 different stores (Urban Outfitters..TWICE!). Great deals, very happy customer. However, I am BANNED for 1 year -- so they LOST a customer. And more, when I spread the word -- over Yelp & to my friends

Talk about Negative Advertising!

Like another shopper (who experienced poor treatment from snobby sales-people) simply said:

"I'll take my hard-earned $$ elsewhere"

"The best Advertising is a SATISFIED CUSTOMER"

^^^ THIS. Word travels Fast -- Keystone Mall Security (owned by Simon Property Group) AND snobby sales-people are QUICKLY alienating potential customers..jeopardizing SALES/$$


"STUPIDITY is its Own Reward"

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