Friday, June 21, 2024

My work at 2024 Indy 500 (bringing in Nvidia, worth 3.43 TRILLION $$) was *INTERFERED* with by Following/Harassment (Keystone Mall), then wrongful ARREST (Indianapolis PD, Marion County DA)!

Here are links to my 2024 Indy 500 project -- Research/Discovery to bring in lucrative Silicon Valley Tech companies

2024 Indy 500 project, Discovery/Research [ Nvidia, et al ]
2024 Indy 500 project, Flickr photos, Discovery/Research [ Nvidia, et al ]

E.g. targeted *focus* on Nvidia, whose market-valuation CLEARED 2 TRILLION $$ (back in April). Then, 3.43 TRILLION on June 18

Nvidia passes Microsoft in market cap to become most valuable public company

[ this week, while WASTING MY TIME with a ridiculous wrongful Following/Harassment at elite Keystone Mall..then ARREST by Indianapolis PD (Marion County DA) ]

My next-door neighbor growing up in Urbana/IL, is a POWERFUL guy at Nvidia:

Vice-President GPU Ecosystems

He/I have had discussions the past few years, on potential Projects. He told me the next step is a proposal to

Nvidia Vice-President Business-Development

VERY close to a deal..just need a few more contacts, more info, etc

WAS scheduled to meet with 

Jim Campbell (Chevrolet Director of Racing, Indycar/NASCAR/IMSA/Rally)

[ who I've been in touch with since 2013, when I met him at 2013 Indycar Long Beach GP, after being given an All-Access pass by Indycar Vice-President Technology (Wil Philips) ] 

on Friday (Carburetion Day), but MISSED IT -- due to Following/Harassment at Keystone Mall, followed by ARREST!?

I've been working 11 years on my Aerorace project, to help Indycar with non-endemic

Technology Partners & Marketing Sponsors

Aerorace Technology Initiative for Indycar

It REALLY took flight in 2022, when Nvidia was a "targeted" Silicon Valley company

[ involved in lucrative Autonomous Car sector, predicted 750 BILLION (.75 TRILLION) $$ "Emerging Economy" by 2027 ]

where I worked (doing Research/Discovery) at

2022 Indycar/IMSA Long Beach GP

2022 IMSA Laguna Seca GP

1) Jim Michaelian (President GPALB "Grand Prix Assn of Long Beach")
gave me a pass to 2022 Indycar Long Beach GP

2) Steve Fields (President of Sales, Laguna Seca Raceway)
gave me 2 passes to 2022 IMSA Laguna Seca GP

he also has a Marketing position at United Motorsports (WEC "World Endurance Challenge"), co-owned by Mclaren CEO (Zach Brown). They had a proposal to Nvidia, for an upcoming 18yo phenome (Josh Pierson)

Pattern of Following/Harassment by Keystone Mall Security, from Google Maps reviews!

UNBELIEVABLE, below reviews are arguably more DAMAGING than the negative reviews!!

The negative reviews seem to come from WHITE people.

Keystone Mall incident: Evidence of Racial/Class Profiling by Keystone Mall Security & store employees

The Google Maps "Keystone Mall" negative reviews have a significant % of black victims..

Racial Profiling by Keystone Mall Security!

^^^ THIS. Spot on, what happened to me. I got SURVEILLED at Maren Made store, 2 Mall Security officers outside. Then, they both Follow me downstairs, then get HARASSED. One of themm *aggressively* pushes his face at me -- I consider this near assault!

^^^ WOW!!

I need to file a cross-complaint with Indinapolis PD (against Keystone Mall Security, owned by Simon Property Group), to counter the JUNK Trespass & Unreasonable Noise counts against me

What a FARCE -- imagine this going VIRAL on Social Media!

MORE accounts of Mall Security Following/Harassing people..

^^^ THIS. Mall Security officers are engaging in Racial Profiling/Discrimination.

Victim should have confronted officer:

"STOP it, otherwise I'll call Indianapolice PD, & have you ARRESTED for Harassment"

Check this account of victim, being approached/harassed by Mall Security officer:

^^^ THIS. What happened to me, except I *defended* myself. REPEATEDLY, asking for

name, employee ID #, reason for followinig/harassment

Went back & forth, finally Mall officer called the Cops! The Indianapolis police-officer was EQUALLY arrogant, REFUSED to hear my side of the story!!

"You're my 2nd call, my 1st call is a theft. I REFUSE to listen to you!"

^^^ 2 MISTAKES -- he shouldn't let his 1st call cloud/interfere with his 2nd call (ME!). On top of this, he made the mistake of NOT listening to my side of the story. If he had, then the whole situation

"could have been handled"

He didn't, then he wrongfully ARRESTED me for Trespassing!

It should be noted that the Mall Security manager (Mike Brownstone) is an ex-cop/retired. Who IGNORED me when I requested his business-card -- in order to file Official WRITTEN complaint.

He gave the police-officer his BUSINESS-CARD, saying he was ex-police (retired)

^^^ It appears as if this is NO COINCIDENCE, I.e., a COLLUSION by

Marion County DA & Indianapolis PD with Keystone Mall (Simon Property Group)

to Follow/Harass & (if necessary) ARREST *perceived* lower-class people

This is literally a CONSPIRACY..

Other reports show that Keystone Mall is NOT doing well -- empty mall, BORED store-employees (no traffic in store):

^^^ Well, yeah..if you ALIENATE customers, they will NOT come. Plus, word travels fast -- they will tell their friends. In the end, Keystone Mall simply BACKED THEMSELVES into a corner:

NO CUSTOMERS, low-traffic, high-end stores LOSE SALES

^^^ THIS. PERSISTENT complaints about Keystone Mall security officers HARASSING customers!

SERIOUSLY, this is just Self-Destructive behavior by Simon Property Group (owner Keystone Mall)

FAIL. Expect traffic to dwindle, as they ALIENATE customers. Word travels fast, they will tell their friends & associates -- who will tell THEIR friends/associates. No traffic, no customers, NO SALES

Stores CLOSE UP, someone actually mentioned this

"Stupidity is its Own Reward"

Below is yet ANOTHER person who experience HARASSMENT by Keystone Mall Security officer:

^^^ Appears to be a white person! Like complaints:

Discrimination/Profiling as "lower-class" person (Class'ism), based on Appearance/Clothes


Keystone Mall Security officer BANNING customers, based on their CLOTHES..


They are ALIENATING a potential paying customer. Stores need SALES. Duh.

^^^ THIS. "Still a lot of closed stores"

Simon Property Group (owner of  Keystone Mall) -- what the HELL are you doing? You need OCCUPANCY, rent space to Stores. You are KILLING OFF potential customers, thus Stores can't make SALES:

Self  Desructive Behavior

Excuse me, EXACTLY what are you thinking -- engaging in this idiotic behavior??

I rest my case..

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Targeted Individuals, Bullying practiced at Keystone Mall (owned by Simon Property Group)

 In writing the below post:

Keystone Mall incident: Keystone Mall Security Officer (Steven Reed) thrusts his head RIGHT IN MY FACE, I felt physically *threatened* !

I ran into a website about Targeted Individuals..

What is Targeted Individual

The elitist snobby Keystone Mall *clearly* practices Discrimination/Profiling of *perceived* lower-class people (Class-ism)

Keystone Mall incident: Evidence of Racial/Class Profiling by Keystone Mall Security & store employees

in order to satisfy the high-end *exclusive* shops:

Saks 5th Avenue, Tory Burch, Gucci, Coach, Kate Spade, etc

It comes down to $$ -- "The Almighty Dollar". They want to sell their high-end PRICEY product


However, practicing Discrimination/Profiling (based on Appearance/Clothes) is *dangerously* close to violating Federal Law, e.g. DEI (Diversity Equality Inclusionary) directive. See below White House Executive Order:

Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce 

where it is ILLEGAL to discriminate for HIRING, based on skin color, race, gender, gender identity (LGBTQ), etc

^^^ THIS

Keystone Mall is exhibiting DISCRIMINATION against *perceived* lower-class people (customers)

"favoritism towards "economicallly-advantaged" customers"
-- woman who was *discriminated* against @Keystone Mall

OMG WTF! CLEARLY in violation of DEI (Diversity Equality Inclusionary) directive

The CLEAR practice of Discrimination/Profiling (based on Dress/Appearance)  against *perceived* lower-class customers, implies sales people are TRAINED towards this! Implying, these snobby sales people are also HIRED (& trained) according to Discriminatory/Profiling practice.

^^^ This could attract the attention of the Feds, with followup legal action by the Feds.


"Little sh*t is little sh*t, but sometimes little sh*t is BIG SH*T"

It appears as if the Discrimination/Profiling lurking at the "noise floor" has been SIMMERING quite a bit! Then, I show up, working on an Indy 500 Technology Partnership & Marketing Sponsorship, where the targeted non-endemic Silicon Valley Tech company is non-other than


[ Most Valuable Company in the world @3.36 TRILLION, surpassing Apple & Microsoft in last few days

It made the 2 TRILLION $$ market-capitalization milestone in April, increasing to 3.36 TRILLION by June 18..the week of my trial-date ]


This WHOLE THING sounds like a B-Movie Hollywood "flick"..but it's FREAKING Real Life dummy!!


There could be a Class Action lawsuit against

Simon Property Group, Marion County DA & Indianapolis PD

by Discrimination/Profiling victims over the decades/years!!

With the Feds "jumping in" backing up the DEI (Executive Order from The White House) with their OWN Federal Lawsuit..!!

Keystone Mall Security Officer (Steven Reed) thrusts his head RIGHT IN MY FACE, I felt physically *threatened* !

 As I scanned my post on the Incident

Keystone Mall incident: negative encounter by 2 Mall Security officers, after leaving Maren Made boutique! Followed & HARASSED.. Cops called, ARREST by Indianapolis PD officer! Who REFUSED to listen to my account.. Handcuffed me ROUGHLY!

I realized that Steven Reed (Keystone Mall Security Officer), who FOLLOWED/Harassed me as I left "Maren Made" boutique, AGGRESSIVELY thrust his head in-my-face!

This could be considered a *physical threat*, whereupon I could file counter-complaint during the court-hearing on June 21.

At no time did I do anything similar, I just REPEATEDLY asked for his

Name, Employee ID #, reason for Following/Harassing me

in order to file a Formal WRITTEN complaint to Keystone Mall (owned by Simon Property Group)

He stupidly called the Indianapolis PD on me for TRESPASSING!

The responding Cop was EQUALLY *stupid* :

"You are my 2nd case, I'm here on a theft call. I REFUSE to listen to you"

1st, he is "clouding judgement" of my case with his initial call -- MAKES NO SENSE ("non sequitir" -- does not follow). 2nd, he doesn't even BOTHER to listen to my side of the story!

His Bad Attitude leads to him ARRESTING me -- ROUGHLY I should add!

This WHOLE THING can be summarized by flat-out STUPIDITY:

JUST try to work things out person-to-person..COME ON!

I.e., there were FOUR stages where this thing could have been "worked out". It started with a MISUNDERSTANDIG -- perception I was *suspicious*

In ALL of the FOUR stages, the "sensible thing" was NOT applied. It seems to be a case of

"Targted Individuals" by Keystone Mall Security, with COLLUSION of Indianapolis PD (thus bringing in Marion County DA into the picture):

1) Maren Made young-white-female cashier
thought I was *suspicious* -- see complaints about Keystone Mall, where shop-employees Profile/Discriminate based on Appearance/Clothes. Yep, I got "targeted" !

2) Mall Security officers (2 of them)
Following/Harassing me, Steven Reed *actually* aggressively thrust his head in-my-face!

3) Manager, Mall Security (Mike Brownstone, ex-cop/retired!)

IGNORED ME (see pic), when I asked for his business-card. When responding police-officer shows up, he gives him his BUSINESS-CARD in front of me! CLEAR CASE of Discrimination/Favoritism on his part. Which INVALIDATES this whole accusation of Trespassing, since there's the implication of Prejudice

4) Responding Indianapolis Police Officer
see above, TWO mistakes -- allowing his 1st call to cloud his judgement on 2nd call (ME!). Then, REFUSING to listen to my side of the story

Website on Targeted Individuals:

What is Targeted Individual

Elitist/Discriminatory behavior by high-end Keystone Mall, -- "It's EASY to establish business-practices", legal maxim

 "It's EASY to establish business-practices"
-- legal maxim

There is a CLEAR PATTERN of Discrimination/Profiling of *perceived* NON economically-advantaged people (MDs, Lawyers, etc), who are unable to buy pricey/expensive items at exclusive designer stores @Keystone Mall:

Saks 5th Avenue, Gucci, Tory Burch, Coach, Kate Spade, etc

I can actually go farther -- Marion County D.A. & Indianapolis PD are in COLLUSION (Keystone Mall Security AND high-end store employees) -- "battering ram" to EVICT *perceived* lower-class people

OMG -- it HAPPENED to me!

At the Maren Made boutique, where a young white woman (cashier), alerted Mall Security that I was "suspicious". Funny thing, I JUST bought $170 worth of merchandise, engaged her in friendly conversation TWICE (2 visits). There was never any tension between us, it was the last (2nd) visit, where I asked her about "styling" (in regards to a female-friend, who dresses *racy* like Khloe Kardashian).

A  maintenance man comes into the store, which was pretty STRANGE! Then, as I left the store, TWO Mall Security officers were standing outside, surveilling me! This made me feel UNCOMFORTABLE, & I asked them

"What is the problem?"

then walked past them downstairs, to leave the mall. 1 of the Mall officers FOLLOWED me & started badgering me with questions:


Which started the whole Incident, see here:

Keystone Mall incident: Following/Harassment

See the *persistent* complaints (paper trail) on

Evidence of Racial/Class Profiling by Keystone Mall Security & store employees

Sample complaints below:

Timothy S.

Serena S. (has Fashion degree), was approached by Mall Security using RUDE tone of voice (to intimidate her OUT of the mall):

^^^ Like Serena S., I found some GREAT DEALS at Urban Outfitters, the sales-people there were very helpful/friendly. I actually spent $425 over 2 days, 3 different stores (Urban Outfitters..TWICE!). Great deals, very happy customer. However, I am BANNED for 1 year -- so they LOST a customer. And more, when I spread the word -- over Yelp & to my friends

Talk about Negative Advertising!

Like another shopper (who experienced poor treatment from snobby sales-people) simply said:

"I'll take my hard-earned $$ elsewhere"

"The best Advertising is a SATISFIED CUSTOMER"

^^^ THIS. Word travels Fast -- Keystone Mall Security (owned by Simon Property Group) AND snobby sales-people are QUICKLY alienating potential customers..jeopardizing SALES/$$


"STUPIDITY is its Own Reward"

DAMAGES: my work to bring Nvidia to Indycar (with Jim Michaelian, President GPALB), 2022 Indycar Long Beach GP, FOLLOWED by Steve Fields (President of Sales, Laguna Seca Raceway) for 2022 IMSA Laguna Seca Race Research/Discovery project (Nvidia, et al)

I discussed Nvidia as a possible Presenting Sponsor "target" for GPALB (Grand Prix Assn of Long Beach), with Jim Michaelian -- GPALB President. Nvidia *attempted* purchase of famed chip-designer firm ARM (based in UK), for 40 BILLION, attracted world-wide attention

Jim agreed to give me a pass to the 2022 Indycar/IMSA Long Beach GP, for purpose of doing Discovery/Research, towards bringing in Nvidia in as a Sponsor/Partner. Here are my results:

2022 Indycar/IMSA Long Beach GP videos Research project (Nvidia, et al)

2022 Indycar/IMSA Long Beach GP photos (Blu G9 & Nikon D3500)

At the Expo (Long Beach Civic Center), there was a booth for

Laguna Seca Raceway

where I snatched up ALL the business-cards, incl

Steve Fields, President of Sales

I called Steve, about my *personal contact*

[ my former neighbor growing up in Urbana/Il, both our Dads were U of Illinois Profs -- mine Aerosapce Eng Prof/Dept Head, his Physics Prof ]

who is a powerful guy at Nvidia:

Vice-President GPU Ecosystems

I've had previous discussions with him about potential Projects/Partnerships, & he said the next step was a proposal to:

Nvidia Vice-President Business-Development 

I went to 2024 NAB (National Assn of  Broadcasters), the MAJOR industrial expo for Professional Video, in Las Vegas. Video is a KEY technology for Indycar (& Motorsports) in general. Cloud solutions are HUGE..very hot field. Nvidia is a player here, GPU cluster architectures for mainframe cloud computers:

2022 NAB (National Assn of Broadcasters) videos, Research/Discovery project (Nvidia, et al)
2022 NAB (National Assn of Broadcasters) photos, Research/Discovery project (Nvidia, et al)

I actually talked to

ATT provider, who supplies Web/Internet for NASCAR & (US based) Formula 1

Full project (photos & videos) documented here 

I left Vegas, straight to 2022 IMSA Laguna Seca race, had 1 hour meeting with Steve Fields at his office

Below are links for my Discovery/Research (Nvidia, et al)

2022 IMSA Laguna Seca race, Videos Discovery/Research project (Nvidia, et al)
2022 IMSA Laguna Seca race, Photos, Discovery/Research project (Nvidia, et al)

Fast forward to 2024, I went to 2024 Indycar Indy 500, for purpose of "wrapping up" a potential Deal (Partnership/Sponsorship) w/Nvidia (& other potential Silicon Valley companies)

2024 Indy 500, Research/Discovery project (Nvidia, et al)

Then..the UNFORTUNATE INCIDENT happened on May 23 (off-day for Indy 500 "Month of May")

"little s**t is little s**t, but sometimes little s**t is BIG S**T"

Hate to say it, the incident looks like little s**t, but on further examination it's BIG S**T!!

NO WAY, I could bring in Nvidia (& other Silicon Valley Tech companies), whose demographics incl a LOT of PoC (Persons of Color):

India, China, Taiwan, Japan, Middle East (incl Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Syria), etc

who could get targeted with Following/Harassment at Keystone Mall (signature mall in Indianapolis), with

Indianapolis PD & Marion County DA, who COLLUDGE with Keystone Mall Security

Perhaps, Roger Penske (owner Indycar & IMS) could go "political", & force Indianapolis Mayor (Joe Hogsett) to MAKE THINGS RIGHT -- Hiring/Firing process:

overhaul Marion County D.A. & Indianapolis PD

THAT would go a long way in starting the path ("moving forward") towards SUCCESS -- get rid of the "deadwood"

"He [ Coach Herb Brooks ] Tore us Down, & BUILT US BACK UP"
-- Mike Eruzione, Italian-American captain of 1980 Gold Medalist Men's Hockey team

[ Re/: winning coach Herb Brooks, hired to take "bunch of superstar Egos" -- turn them into a Championship Hockey team -- Gold Medalist 1980 Hockey team ]

^^^^ This is gonna take TIME, not an overnight operation!

Jim's Long Beach Grand Prix (presented by Toyota), lost its iconic presenting Sponsor -- Toyota. Fortunately, Jim was able to replace it with Acura/Honda

Looking into the future, Jim/I are thinking about long-term potential Sponsors/Partners for GPALB

The DISRUPTIVE Automotive Technologies is an EXCITING SECTOR:

Autonomous Cars (which uses AI. "Artificial Intelligence"..a sector targeted by Nvidia), Connected Cars ("umbrella coverage" of Web/Internet, for smart-Cities), EV/Hybrid, 

AI (Artificial Intelligence) has a heavy footprint with Automotive Tech. Nvidia's Automotive Division is invested in its advanced GPU hardware with AI software. Autonomous Car partners include:

Audi, Mercedes, Lexus/Toyota

all are major players in Automotive market, esp luxury car sector

Nvidia is an ACKNOWLEDGED leader in AI, hence its MEGA stock-value has SKYROCKETED!

2 TRILLION back in April, now 3.34 TRILLION on April 18, now 4 TRILLION in sight:


TheStreet claims 4 TRILLION $$ market-capitalization is in sight:

Nvidia has $4 trillion value in sight as AI seen powering chip sales

2 TRILLION The potential lawsuit, to recover DAMAGES from

losing Nvidia as potential *breakthrough* non-endemic vendor/supplier


4 TRILLION $$ .. Most Valuable Company in the World -- LOST!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Accusation of Trespass ILLEGAL (due to Discrimination/Profiling), thus ARREST was ILLEGAL

See documentation numerous cases of Discrimination/Profiling by Keystone Mall Security officers (AND high-end store employees), against "lesser people" (*perception* by dress/appearance), in the self-interest of:

selling elite expensive merchandise to wealthy clientele


Can I be trespassed from a mall if I've committed no crime?

So I occasionally attend movies at a particular theater within a particular mall. Afterwards, I tend to visit a couple of select stores at the mall just to look around and see if there's anything I might like to buy. I went there earlier today and did exactly that. Saw a movie, then looked around before leaving. As I was leaving the mall (meaning I was in my car and stopped at a stop light ready to drive out), I'm suddenly pulled over by a police officer who tells me that the mall wants to trespass me. Which left me confused because I've literally done nothing to warrant this action. No shoplifting, no altercations or unpleasantries with anyone, no causing disturbances, just walking around and looking at stuff. The officer didn't trespass me. He let me go and did not say that I couldn't come back, I asked, but I'm worried that if I do go back there for any reason, they'll send the police after me again even though I've committed no crime. I know malls are technically private property, but can they really trespass me without grounds? What should I do? I've never been in this situation before nor have I been treated like this by anyone else and I've been going to this mall for years.

^^^ This is basically what happened to me! I didn't do anything wrong, I actually patronized 2 shops that day (May 23) -- Maren Made ($170 worth of merchandise) & Urban Outfitters ($88 worth of merchandise). Had 2 bags, 1 in each hand

[ as a matter of fact, 2 days earlier (May 21/Tue) I patronized 2 shops -- Urban Outfitters ($115 worth of merchandise) & Fabletics ($50 worth of merchandise). Great deals, so went back 2 days later on May 23/Thu ]

^^^ That's $425 worth of merchandise over 2 days of shopping!! is it possible I was charged with TRESPASSING at high-end elite Keystone Mall?

Mall Security officer Steven Reed was lurking outside Maren Made boutique (see blog Header pic) with a 2nd Mall officer, I was *peeved* I was under SURVEILLANCE! As I walked by, I made my displeasure known, by saying "Is there a problem?"

I went downstair, ready to leave the Mall. Steven Reed FOLLOWED me down, starts HARASSING me. Gets REAL CLOSE to me, right in-my-face!

The 2nd Mall Security officer joins him, & they are standing around -- hovering over me!

It FINALLY came out (according to Mall Security Officer S. Reed), that the young white-woman at Maren Made boutique, claimed I looked "suspicious" !? I made my purchase of $170 & had a pleasant conversation w/her. I left, came back to take pics (with her permission), to show a female-friend of mine..who would be interested in buying. I asked her for fashion advice for my friend, who tends to dress risque. She even chuckled when I said my friend "was accused of being a man"

So, my experience at Maren Made was very friendly/cordial, with purchase of $170 merchandise.

[ I leaving the possibility, that the REAL PROBLEM is Mall Security..who is profiling me based on my appearance/clothes! NOT the woman working at Maren Made.. ]

There was NO REASON for that Mall Security officer (Steve Hunt) to "ask me to leave the premises", whereupon I was charged with Trespassing. I challenged him to abide by my request to give me info                                    
his name, employee ID #, reason for Following/Harassment

in order for me to make a FORMAL WRITTEN COMPLAINT against Simon Property Group (owner of high-end elite Keystone Mall)

The Mall Security manager (Mike Brownstone) showed up, & I asked him for his business-card, so I could file a FORMAL WRITTEN COMPLAINT. He didn't say anything, just IGNORED me!

Later on, when Indianapolis Police officer showed, up he pulled out his business-card, gave it to him & said "I'm ex-Cop, retired"

!!! This is CLEAR EVIDENCE, there is DISCRIMINATION/Favoritism being shown. See OTHER cases of Discrimination/Profiling of *perceived* lesser-people ("little people") by Keystone Mall Security (even high-end store employees):

discrimination (& "pushing away") poor people who can't afford expensive items (target clientele are lawyers, MDs, etc)

Google Search turned up MANY such cases, incl Mall Security FOLLOWING/Harassing & even RUDELY speaking to woman (even with a Fashion degree)!

Discrimination based on Profiling by Class (Appearance/Clothes) by Keystone Mall Security & high-end store employees

He STILL didn't comply, then called the Indianapolis PD!? The responding officer was EQUALLY un-cooperative (lack of Professional Responsibility), REFUSING to listen to my side:

"I'm here on a theft call, you're my 2nd stop. I'm not in the mood to listen to you"

[ the 1st part is just FLAT OUT Wrong! He's using an unrelated 1st call, to cloud his judgement for 2nd call (me!). Non-sequitir -- Does Not Follow! If he had listened to me, the whole ARREST could have been AVOIDED! ]

I REPEATED to him (what I told Steven Reed, Mall Security)

Below is my DEFENSE -- I was DISCRIMINATED against, based on my appearance/clothes..race likely also a factor. Google Search reveals MANY cases of 

Discrimination/Profiling based on Appearance/Clothes -- the victims were all WHITE PEOPLE!

"As long as their basis isn't DISCRIMINTAORILY BASED on a protected class such as race, gender, or country of origin, they can ban whoever they want for any reason they want or for no reason at all"

^^^ OOPS. That elite high-end Keystone Mall was updated towards some sort of "fix" for "average Indianapolis"

[ which was said to be an underlying REASON for Formula 1 PULLING OUT of Indianapolis, for the Formula 1 USGP (United States Grand Prix). Indy simply wasn't ELITE SOPHISTICATED enough for the high-flying arrogant snob Formula 1 demographic -- Sponsors, Drivers, Teams. Michael Andretti had mentioned the *arrogance* of Formula 1 ]

I have the leverage to have BOTH counts thrown out!

Count 1: Trespassing

Was based on pattern of Discrimination (against *perceived* lesser people, according to dress/appearance). So..EVERYTHING afterwards was based on this WRONG -- just RIDICULOUS!

Count 2: Noise

[ standing up, for being WRONGED..I was basically FRAMED for Trespassing ]

Then, I can file a counter-complaint of DISCRIMINATION.

Then, COUNTER-SUE for damages. Which is MONSTROUS, given that my false-imprisonment, PREVENTED ME from finalizing my Aerorace project (the next Day on Carburetion Day/Friday):

bringing in Nvidia

[ clearing 2 TRILLION in April, now 3.36 TRILLION [ June 18 ]in Market-Capitalization ]

going to

Carburetion Day (Friday, May 24)

where I was to meet with my LAST contact:

Jim Campbell (Chevrolet Director of Racing of Indycar/NASCAR/IMSA/Rally)

after meeting with 4 previous contacts:

Xtrac (Vice-President), Honda Racing Corp (Director of Racing), Indycar Director of Aerodynamics, Indycar brake vendor/supplier

See below CNBC article on Nvidia becoming the MOST VALUABLE company in the World (3.36 TRILLION market-capitalization):

Nvidia passes Microsoft in market cap to become most valuable public company

Truth Stranger than Fiction, Nvidia BREAKTHROUGH for Indycar? Roger Penske/Jenson Huang/Myself

Roger Penske (owner Indycar & IMS, & Team Penske) signs breakthrough deal w/Fox TV, as Broadcast Partner:

Why IndyCar's new TV deal with FOX is a winner

On the heels of the above, my potential deal w/Nvidia (Market Capitalization clearing 2 TRILLION back in April) would have SIMILAR game-breaker effect..


Nvidia market-capitalization just cleared 3.43 TRILLION

Nvidia passes Microsoft in market cap to become most valuable public company

surpassing Microsoft *and* Apple, as #1 most-valuable company in the World!

2 year ago, I was working FEVERISHLY on my Aerorace project (Technology Initiative for Indycar, Formula 1, NASCAR, IMSA, WEC):

Aerorace Technology Initiative for Indycar

towards a Nvidia deal for

Indycar & Mclaren

[ Mclaren was pushing a young phenome 18 yo from Portland/OR, seeking Nvidia sponsorship ]

I spoke with Jim Michaelian (President GPALB "Grand Prix Assn of Long Beach", who is business-savvy), about the Nvidia *attempted* purchase of ARM (famed UK based chip designer) for 40 BILLION. He/I agreed I should come to 2022 Long Beach GP, to do some "investigating":

evaluate Indycar & IMSA (sportscar racing, NASCAR owned), for potential Nvidia Technology Partnership and/or Marketing Sponsorship

I networked with many team principals (Indycar & IMSA) -- owners, drivers, engineers, team-managers

Larry Foyt  (AJ Foyt Racing)
Jimmy Vasser of  DCR "Dale Coyne Racing" Vasser/Sullivan
Team Penske (Tim Cindric & Roger Penske)
Michael Shank of MSR (Meyer Shank Racing)
Michael Cannon (noted engineer for Ganassi Racing)

Also, vendors/suppliers:

Mercedes (IMSA chassis supplier)
Ligier (IMSA chassis-supplier)
Michelin (IMSA tire supplier)
Firestone Racing (Cara Adams, Director of Racing)
HPD (Honda Performance Development, Wayne Gross "Director of Racing")

At the end of the race, I was at Team Penske paddock where I caught up with Roger Penske & Tim Cindric (President "Team Penske"). Tim was interested, & wanted a followup email. I gave Roger my Aerorace business-card. Wil Power & wife Liz were hanging out, along with a Mclaren team-member.

Roger Penske (Indycar & IMS owner) KNEW about my Aerorace project, attempting to bring in non-endemic superstar Silicon Valley GPU vendor/supplier:

Nvidia in a Technology Partnership model

[ Nvidia would partner with Indycar, for Technology Development -- towards Performance & SAFETY. Each side would benefit, where Nvidia would get "Real World" data:

"Long Term Durability/Reliability"

where Thermal Cycling is a BIG Deal (GPUs generate a LOT of heat) ]

It should be noted that Nvidia has ALSO been pursued by Mclaren (Business Sponsorship type of deal) for their young upcoming phenome driver. I assume other teams have also put in Nvidia proposals.

Obviously, the "incident" at Keystone Mall has become a MAJOR *obstacle* to overcome..

The demographic of Silicon Valley (incl Nvidia) has heavy dose of PoC (Person of Color):

India, China, Taiwan, Japan, Middle East (Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Iran), Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam

which would be "targeted individuals" at elite Keystone Mall. In essence, my incident was a TEST to see if Indianapolis is cosmopolitan enough to tolerate DEI (Diversity Equality Inclusionary).

It should be noted that the Jenson Huang, Founder/CEO Nvidia, is Taiwanese-immigrant. Who went through Kentucky boarding-school, which he lovingly acknowledges

In fact it was a school in Kentucky which focused on troubled youth. Huang scrubbed toilets and faced bullies with pocket knives, he told Wired in an interview. But he “loved it” and that being there was a “lucky break,” he told its graduating class of 2020 in a commencement address

This is the CRAZIEST THING -- I'm on the VERGE of a BREAKTHROUGH for Indycar -- a COVETED non-endemic GPU vendor/supplier coming into Indycar -- worth 3.43 TRILLION.

Then, the awful ELITIST Keystone Mall Discriminates/Marginalizes its OWN economically less-fortunate population (incl Whites!)

Wait till Roger Penske (himself a self-made BILLIONAIRE like Jenson Huang), hears about this!!

I can guarantee you Roger, who is antsy on getting Indycar back out-of-the-red-ink (decades of losses/$$), will be INCENSED about this!

He could make a political type of move, to "make things right". I.e., ask Indianapolis mayor (Joe Hogsett), to FIX THE PROBLEM with Marion County DA & Indianapolis PD. They basically COLLUDED with the flawed-elitist Keystone Mall, which has been abusing/harassing "little people"..see reviews:

Keystone Mall incident: Evidence of Racial/Class Profiling by Keystone Mall Security & store employees

Not only would Indycar LOSE OUT, but ALSO the City of Indianapolis..which hosts the IMS (also owned by Roger)

I SWEAR, this sounds something out of a Holllywood DISASTER movie -- YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!!

Jenson Huang, Taiwanese-immigrant sent by parents to "Amazing Country" of USA, to pursue the American Dream. Myself, 1st generation Chinese-American (parents were immigrants from China), a Electrical Eng BS/MS/PhD (U of Illinois) who applied myself towards an American Dream.

BTW, my PhD advisor was famed Dr Thomas Huang (MIT PhD Electrical Eng, pioneer in Image Coding..e.g. JPEG), also immigrant from Taiwan (who escaped China during Communist take-over in 1950)

^^^ I suppose "things will work themselves out" toward the Greater Good..

Hopefully, for June 21 court-date, the Judge & my Public Defender (India descent) will figure something out.

My lawyer friend told me:

"Bob, you DON'T NEED A LAWYER! All you have to do is GOTO THE MEDIA. You don't think they will take a shot at this, for RATINGS?"
-- Shawn Holliday, UniHi '75 Class President, U of Michigan Law School grad

^^^ YES, the Media has lawyers on retainer to SUE on behalf of FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), for further "discovery". There must be WAY MORE dirt on elitist Keystone Mall (owner is Simon Property Group). LIKELY *collusion* with Indianapolis PD (overlord is Marion County DA), as some sort of "Security Force" -- to keep out the *perceived* "lesser/little people".

I guess I was the latest victim -- ARRESTED! Again, I *repeatedly* pressured them (Mall Security & arresting Indy cop) to abide by professional protocol:

Name, Employee ID #, reason for harassment/following

so I could file OFFICIAL WRITTEN COMPLAINT! That was all I wanted..

Now, a 3.43 TRILLION $$ market-capitalized company, WEALTHIEST in the World, is being PREVENTED from enterting Indycar as a BREAKTHROUGH non-endemic vendor/supplier to the struggling Indycar series

[ still trying to come out of the ashes of the DEVASTATING CART/IRL split, started in 1996. It created poor TV ratings, which CRUSHED Sponsorship $$'s ]

Potential Damages: Loss of GPU Mfr involvement in Indycar -- Nvidia, AMD, Intel, in order to compete with NASCAR & Formula 1

I have been working leveraging lucrative Silicon Valley Tech companies (since 2013)

Aerorace: Technology Initiative for Indycar

towards involvement in Indycar, specifically Nvidia

leader in GPU (Graphics Procussing Unit, parallel supercomputer on a chip)

whose investment in AI (Artificial Intelligence) has made it the MOST VALUABLE company in the world -- just surpassing Apple & Microsoft!

2 TRILLION (back in May), now 3.46 TRILLION (as of June 18)

The potential Indycar deal w/Nvidia, is easily in tens of MILLIONS, which could easily increase DRAMATICALLY. With the AI "angle" being the *catalyst*

projected Emerging Economy of 1.8 TRILLION by 2030

Already, the competition (NASCAR & Formula 1) have embraced

Data Analytics (involving use of AI)

while Indycar simply has NOT kept up with the times. ATT is the current Web/Internet provider, while Indycar is using Verizon -- simply doesn't have the BW (bandwidth) to address the Terabytes/Petabytes needed

I am the "goto guy" to get Nvidia involved with Indycar

[ my next-door neighbor growing up in Urbana/IL (home to elite U of Illinois, 2nd ranked Engineering Univ tied w/Stanford, with MIT at #1), is a powerful guy at Nvidia -- Vice-President GPU Ecosystems. We have talked about potential Nvidia projects, where he told me the next step is a PROPOSAL to/

Nvidia Vice-President Business Development

towards a DEAL. Say, with Indycar ]

Only 2 years ago, I started focusing on Nvidia -- where I have discussed it with MANY people:

Jim Michaelian (President GPALB "Grand Prix Assn of Long Beach")

as part of the broad strategy (discussed with Indycar Vice-President Technology -- Wil Philips, then Bill Pappas):

injection of Disruptive Automotive Technology -- Data Analytics, EV/Hybrid, Connected Cars, Autonomous Cars

to attract lucrative (non-endemic) Silicon Valley Tech companies. Get them involved, inject $$ into the Sport towards Indycar series development:

Performance & Safety

Traditionally, endemic (Mechanical Engineering) vendors are familiar Automotive suppliers:

engine-mfrs & developers (Ford Cosworth, Ilmore Chevrolet, Judd Honda) & gearbox suppliers (Xtrac)

 E.g. Nvidia, whose recent stock-value

topped 2 TRILLION, now 3.46 TRILLION as of June 18! (time of writing of this Blog entry)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Evidence of Racial/Class Profiling by Keystone Mall Security & store employees

Google Search reveals how high-end elite Keystone Mall, shows Discriminitory Treatment of customers, based on their appearance/dress. I.e., if you don't look like a Doctor/Lawyer, then you're PERCEIVED as not a buying customer!?

People have been harassed by Keystone Mall Security, with RUDE treatment:

rude tone of voice, glaring at them

Plus, store employees just IGNORE customers who DON'T FIT the look of an "elite buying client"

It's called "class profiling", they think "lesser looking" people are WORTHLESS. And, treated ACCORDINGLY!

Wait til the ACLU gets wind of my case, they will be ALL-IN in a civil lawsuit against:

Simon Property Group (owner of elite Keystone Mall), Indianapolis PD & Marion County D.A. (for being party to this, via an ARREST), Indianapolis PD arresting-officer, 2 Keystone Mall Security officers & their Manager (Mike Brownstone, ex-cop/retired)

Serena S (degree in Fashion) gets RUDE treatment by Keystone Mall security officer:

"gets snubbed" by employees of high-end stores @Keystone Mall

Aimee A. "gets Snubbed" by sales-people at many high-end stores @Keystone Mall

^^^ This is Discrimination/Class profiling of *customers*, which is *dangerously* close to being against Federal Law. See DEI (Diversity Equality Inclusionary), which protects APPLICANTS/WORKERS of companies, from Discrimination/Class profiling

Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce

Anna C. gets IGNORED by "snobby sales people", chats among themselves. They lost her business ("hard earned money"). Talk about KARMA..

Timothy S. (dressed down, like homeless person) gets "followed around" by Mall Security @Keystone Mall, makes him feel "Presidential" (with his own Security detail..LOL)

Sherry D. got "snubbed by sales people" at high-end store @Keystone Mall

Ajla O. gets "sized up" (by her clothes) by snobby sales people at high-end Tory Burch store, then gets IGNORED by them for not being elite enough. Lost a paying customer, talk about Karma..

I noticed she looked me up and down before I entered the shoe area to see if I was worth her time based on what I was wearing. Extremely rude!!! I now can live without Tory Burch in my life because they've lost a customer if that's how they treat people.

negative encounter by 2 Mall Security officers, after leaving Maren Made boutique! Followed & HARASSED.. Cops called, ARREST by Indianapolis PD officer! Who REFUSED to listen to my account.. Handcuffed me ROUGHLY!

I returned to Maren Made boutique, to take some pics of items, to show to my female friend. The young white lady gave me permission. I also asked her about my friends risque choice of fashion -- 5" heels & very mini-skirts, ala Khloe Kardashian. I.e., the trashy look. She laughed when I told her somebody accused my female-friend of "being a man"

I noticed a maintenance worker (in work clothes) come into the boutique. I got a strange vibe, that he was "checking me out". I basically suppressed my negative-feelings, then left the boutique

Just outside, were TWO Mall Security officers. It was obvious they were surveilling me..NOT a good feeling! I said to them

"What's the problem? Why are you shadowing me?

I walked away, went downstairs. One of the Mall Security officers (S. Reed, see pic below) followed me!

This made me feel uncomfortable, I felt slighted! After purchasing $160 worth of goods at Maren Made, I was treated like a shop-lifter! I.e. FOLLOWED OUT OF THE STORE!

Then, things began to escalate -- I asked him why he was following/harrasing me? He NEVER gave a reason. I then asked him for

Name, Employee ID #, reason for following/harassing me

He NEVER complied, I persisted in him giving the info, so I could file a FORMAL WRITTEN complaint! I asked him for his business-card..he did not comply.

After many rounds of back-and-forth, he finally mentioned that the young white-lady cashier (Maren Made boutique) felt I was acting "suspicious". The Mall Security officer wanted me to go back to Maren Made to discuss her complaint.

I refused, since I was BUSY (on my way out of the Mall), & needed to get back to work -- tomorrow was Carburetion Day (Friday) for Indy 500. I had to meet some people (Chevrolet) to talk about my project:

bringing in Nvidia into Indycar as a vendor/supplier

BIG project with potentially lucrative deal, since Nvidia recently cleared 2 TRILLION market-capitalization. See Appendix below for more details..

The Mall Security officer then DEMANDED that I leave the premises (or become a trespasser), but I pressured him to abide by professional protocol:

give me your Name, Employee ID #, reason for following/harassing me

so I can file an OFFICIAL WRITTEN complaint!

The Manager of Keystone Mall Security (Mike Brownstone) showed up, who IGNORED my request to give me his business-card (Name, Employee ID #):

 so I could file an OFFICIAL WRITTEN complaint

^^^ HOW MANY TIMES did I have to repeat this basic-request, which is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for a business??

BTW, later on the Manager gave his BUSINESS CARD to the arresting Indianapolis Police officer, saying he was ex-Cop/Retired!

^^^ OK, this is CLEAR EVIDENCE of

Favoritism/DISCRIMINATION by Keystone Mall Security

which is a KNOWN M.O (Modus Operanda) by their Security Officers & store employees! They "profile" customers (based on their "appearance") -- if they don't fit the high-end customer (lawyers, doctors, etc), then they treat you DIFFERENT:

IGNORE you, or HARASS you

See this post

Keystone Mall incident: Evidence of Racial/Class Profiling by Keystone Mall Security & store employees

where other customers at high-end Keystone Mall get

  1. Followed/Harassed by Mall Security
  2. snubbed by snobby sales people, at high-end stores

Serena S. *experienced* similar thing -- discriminatory profiling by Mall Security, who shadowed/approached her, used RUDE voice to harass her.

^^^ WOW!!

It's pretty clear that the elite high-end shops want to make SALES to uppity/wealthy clients. So, it looks as if Keystone Mall Security (in collusion with high-end shops), wants to FILTER OUT the commoners ("little people" with small budgets), in the name of Profits ("The Almighty Dollar")


It all makes SENSE now..

This is *dangerously* close to breaking Federal Law, via DEI (Diversity Equality Inclusionary):

"CANNOT discriminate in HIRING, based on Color/Gender (incl LGBTQ)"

The above employees are CLEARLY trained to *discriminate* against customers (color of skin, economic class, etc) as part of Company Policy. This implies their HIRING PRACTICES for sales people are similar, in violation of Federal Law.

There needs to be a legal inquiry, to see if DISCRIMINATION is practiced against customers at high-end shops in Keystone Mall -- the various Yelp reviews imply this!''. Also, there likely needs to be a Law, protecting customers from Discrimination/Favoritism, by store employees.. Could be a Supreme Court challenge.. As consequence of my case!


Keystone Mall Security, then called Indianapolis PD, an officer showed up. He REFUSED to listen to my complaint saying:

"I'm on a theft call to the mall, you're my 2nd stop, I will NOT listen to you!"

^^^ talk about WRONG -- he's allowing 1 incident to CLOUD his judgement on a 2nd incident -- MINE! They are 2 *separate* incidents, which need to be INDEPENDENTLY addressed

I clearly had a case of Mall Security Following/Harassing me -- he should have admonished Mall Security (possibly allowing me to file a cross-complaint against Keystone Mall Security), & just LEFT!

At this point, I REPEATED my request (to police officer):

"I need your Name, Badge #, Probable Cause for detainment

which he REFUSED!  He then asked me to "take this outside"

I said NO, let's just settle it HERE

All of a sudden, he decides to arrest me for TRESPASSING, pulls out cuffs, & roughly HANDCUFFS me!

I asked him, to realize the RIDICULOUSNESS of the situation -- I had purchased

$115 + $88 (Urban Outfitters), $50 (Fabletics), $170 (Maren Made) -- totalling $310 !!

How could I be ARRESTED for Trespassing, after having done BUSINESS with FOUR Keystone Mall vendors, over 2 days??

He would not change his mind..!!

 I told him I would SUE him personally, as well as the Indianapolis PD. Also, the Keystone Mall (owned by Simon Property Group)

The WHOLE THING started with "Discriminatory Profiling" of  myself (which is a KNOWN practice at the elite/high-end Keystone Mall), where THREE STAGES of trying to

"work things out" FAILED, due to Incompetent/Poorly-Trained employees

by Maren Made cashier, TWO Keystone Mall Security officers (AND their manager Mike Brownstone), Indianapolis PD officer

There was NO REASON for the Police to ARREST ME -- it all started with a mis-reading of myself (by Maren Made cashier)..a MISUNDERSTANDING!

The Nvidia "angle" has been worked on by me since 2022, when Nvidia attempted to buy ARM (chip designer firm in UK) for 40 BILLION. I discussed this with

GPALB (Grand Prix Assn of  Long Beach) President, Jim Michaelian"

who gave me a "invite" for the 2022 Indycar Grand Prix of Long Beach, in order to do research:

development of potential Race Technology & Business Development

to bring in wealthy Silicon Valley Tech companies (e.g premiere GPU supplier Nvidia, AMD..arch rival to Nvidia, Intel..also a player in GPU space). Jim's GPALB had lost

Toyota as Presenting Sponsor for Indycar Long Beach GP

but fortunately found Honda/Acura to replace Toyota

GPALB was bought by former Silicon Valley CEO Uniphase (Kevin Kalkhoven) & famed Canadian CART team-owner (Gerald Forsythe) of FCR (Forsythe Championship Racing), after they teamed with Paul Gentilozzi (racer of  TransAm fame), to buy bankrupt assets of CART, to form


to compete with IRL (Indy Racing League) based in Indianapolis

[ owned by Tony George, grandson of Tony Hulman, iconic owner of IMS (Indianapolis Motor Speedway) ]

GPALB is the promoter for Long Beach motor races -- Formula 1, CART, Indycar, Formula E, etc

Nvidia stock has NOW hit 3.34 TRILLION $$, going beyond the 2 TRILLION mark..set earlier this year!

Needless to say, the IDIOTIC BEHAVIOR of  Keystone Mall Security has put its owner (Simon Property Group) in a very SEVERE position of Liability!

I.e., my imprisonment for nearly 24 hrs, PREVENTED me from doing my business with Indycar at "Indy 500 Month of May", where I was to meet with

Chevrolet Director of Racing (Indycar, NASCAR, IMSA, Rally), Jim Campbell

I've had discussions with Jim, since 2013 Indycar Long Beach GP, where I was given an invite by:

Indycar Vice-President Technology, Wil Philips

Currently, NASCAR (US based racing series) & Formula 1, use

Data Analytics

as a tool for teams -- "in search for Speed". I.e., real-time telemetry sent to pits (during practice, Q'fying) are then UPLOADED en-masse to the Cloud, using high-bandwidth Web/Internet connection:

where main-frame supercomputers process the data (Data Mining), looking for patterns -- to increase performance ("speed")

Needless to say, this "Data Analytics" formula (NASCAR & Formula 1) is in the TENS of millions of $$. Something Indycar *desperately* needs, in order to remain competitive with NASCAR & recent intrusion of Formula 1 into United States:

Austin TX race, inaugural Miami race in 2022, inaugural Las Vegas race in 2023

However, the RIDICULOUS incident against me at Keystone Mall has essentially DESTROYED any idea of this happening! There is NO WAY, I could bring Nvidia engineers, many of them PoC (Person of Color):

India, Chinese, Japanese, Asian, Middle Eastern, African

to Indianapolis, in support of Indycar & Indy 500. Where they could be racially/class profiled, then subject to Following/Harassment..!

It goes back to how the Formula 1 USGP got CANCELLED, for familiar reason:

The inside word was that the City of Indianapolis was simply NOT SOPHISTICATED enough for the elite Formula 1 series. Latter attracted elite fans, sponsors -- an ELITE culture/class of clientele.

Certainly, my experience at Keystone Mall reflects this:

Indianapolis *desperately* tried to pump up the high-end Keystone Mall as an elite destination. But, it ended up ALIENATING the common people (bread-and-butter of Indianapolis), which just demonstrated that the Indianapolis Leadership was trying to FAKE their way into an elite city, like:

New York (Publishing & Entertainment capital), Chicago, Los Angeles (Entertainment capital, Film & TV), Washington DC

The fact that many customers/clients at so-called elite Keystone Mall, got Followed/Harassed by Mall Security, speaks VOLUMES!

The were, aren't & NEVER WILL be an elite city, that could host Formula 1 race. Not even take on

Brave New World of  "Data Analytics" (used by NASCAR & Formula 1)

which would introduce an elite Silicon Valley Tech world  of GPU -- Nvidia, AMD, Intel. Where Nvidia is a KEY component in the

"AI (Artificial Intelligence), the MOST DISRUPTIVE Technology in history of Mankind"

whose investment in AI is reflected in its recent 2 TRILLION stock-value (Market Capitalization), which JUST soared to 3.46 TRILLION (June 18/2024)